Nonprofit Committee
The Chamber’s Nonprofit Committee provides meaningful opportunities for nonprofit staff, managers and board members to come together to collaborate, and embrace the importance of growth and sustainability. The Committee serves as a resource for ongoing professional development and as a forum for sharing best practices.
Are you interested in joining the Nonprofit Committee? If so, please contact:
Lucille Geraci-Miranda at:
(914) 788-5319

Committee Chairperson
Position open
Committee Members
Lucille Geraci-Miranda
Geranda Projects - Management Consulting for Nonprofits
Lynn Amos
Fyne Lyne Ventures
Mary Foster
HVH2O and The Field Library
Chereese Jervis-Hill
Events To Remember
Tim Warn, Civic Member
Justin Wingenroth
The Dance Conservatory
Do you have a brick and mortar facility and would like to host an in person event for your nonprofit colleagues once it is safe? Please contact Lucille Geraci-Miranda, to discuss.
Let us feature your nonprofit in our monthly newsletter so hundreds of businesses and individuals will learn about the work you are doing to improve our communities. We feature one nonprofit each month. Please contact Lynn Amos, Nonprofit Committee Member.
Do you have expertise that you would like to share with your nonprofit colleagues? To write an educational article for the newsletter, please contact Lucille Geraci-Miranda, Nonprofit Committee Chairperson.
Let Us Help You Get the Word Out!
Is your organization having a Gala? Fundraiser? Volunteer Recruitment Day?
Chamber member nonprofits please contact us so we can publicize your event in our newsletter.
Past Nonprofit Committee Events
Upcoming Events
Scroll down to read about these events.
Nonprofit Newsletter Archives
Put Some Muscle In Your Marketing
by Mary F. Foster
Tons of advice was provided by five terrific and insightful speakers at the October 18th Marketing Bootcamp for Nonprofits. Here are some highlights....
Featured Organizations: CHHOP, The Salvation Army of Peekskill, Let It Shine, Peekskill Presbyterian
Achieving Social Change through Unlikely Bedfellow Alliances:
Are you an “Innie” or an “Outie?” Or Both?
by Sharon Rubinstein
Asking whether you’re an “innie” or an “outie” isn’t about belly buttons. The serious question: If you want social change, how do you want to go about it? Are you an insider or an outsider? Is your cause using both insiders and outsiders in a common movement?
Featured Organizations: Black Diamonds Academic Success, Inc., Rotary Club of Peekskill, Harry Chapin Memorial Run Against Hunger, Sisters in Support, Inc.
Nonprofit Marketing Boot Camp Recap
by Mary Foster
Here are five take aways from each of the panel of speakers at the April 12th BOOTCAMP.
- Hillary Millman: Promoting Your Event-What's the Story
- Chereese Jervis-Hill and Justin Wingenroth: Planning What You Do at the Event
- Mike Dardano, Marianne Oros and John Van Dekker of the Chamber Marketing Committee: Marketing Before and After the Event
Featured Organizations: The Family Resource Center, Inc., Homeless Remedies Inc., Garrison Art Center, Support Connection Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support, Tompkins Corners Cultural Center, Westchester Library System
Strengthening Your Nonprofit Board — Investing Time, Talent, & Resources
by Justin Wingenroth
Recently, the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce was fortunate to have a presentation by Lucille Geraci-Miranda of Geranda Projects for our nonprofit members and the importance of their organization’s board. The focus was on enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofit boards through strategic structuring and active engagement. In case you missed it, here are some key points...
Featured Organizations: Peekskill NAACP, Lincoln Depot Museum
Happy Holidays from the Nonprofit Committee!
Wishing you a happy and peaceful holiday season. Let's remember to support our Chamber Member Nonprofits this holiday season...
Strengthening Commitment to Effective Nonprofit Board Service
Storm Warning
by Mary Lee
With the increased number of storms and power outages, it’s a good idea to protect your computer systems and data. The best way to do that is to use Smart UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supply). For small businesses these can be purchased from many places – electronics and computer stores or office supply retailers.
Featured Organization for Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Support Connection
- Top Three Ways to Enhance Your Chamber Experience
- Check out some of the Chamber's nonprofit members
- Featured Organization: Peekskill Education Foundation
- It's summer but don't take a vacation from communicating with your donors
- Recap: Don't Take the Click Bait! Protect your organization against e-mail phishing
- Featured Nonprofits: Peekskill NAACP and Peekskill Pride
- Building Organizational Capacity – What Exactly is That?
- Featured Organization: The Child Care Council of Westchester
- Stronger Fundraising Communications
- Featured Organization: Peekskill Pride
- Strategies For Strong Grant Applications
- Featured Organization: Peekskill St. Patrick’s Committee
- Is Your 2023 Event Ready?
- Featured Organization: Black Diamonds Academic Success, Inc.
- Boosting Board Engagement in 2023
- Featured Organization: The Westchester Library System Adds Oomp to Your Local Library
- Pension Benefits Can Help You Recruit Talent
- Featured Organization: The Extended Family
- Thinking Ahead: Thoughts for Building a Successful 2023 Fundraising Program
- Featured Organization: TRA, formerly WestFair Rides
- Serving on a Nonprofit Board…why D&O Insurance Is Important! by Mary Foster
- Featured Organization: The Family Resource Center of Peekskill, Inc. by Justin Wingenroth
- 6 Things You Can Do to Help Your Search Engine Rankings: Part 2 by Lynn Amos
- Featured Organization: Westchester Sickle Cell Outreach (WSCO) - Jacqueline Baker's Legacy by Lucille Geraci Miranda, MPA
- How Accurate Are Event Trends?
- Featured Organization: Tompkins Corners Cultural Center
- Hyper Local News and Your Organization by Mary Foster
- Featured Organization: The Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: Celebrating 100 Years! by Lucille Geraci Miranda, MPA
- Organizational Wellness Check – Your Way to a Healthier Nonprofit by Lucille Geraci Miranda, MPA
- Featured Organization: Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley by Lynn Amos
- 6 Things You Can Do to Help Your Search Engine Rankings by Lynn Amos
- Featured Nonprofit: Volunteer New York! by Justin Wingenroth
- Gearing Up for Global Volunteer Month by Justin Wingenroth
- Happy Birthday to Peekskill’s Field Library! by Mary F. Foster
- Giving Back Through Volunteerism – The Gift of Time by Lucille Geraci Miranda, MPA
- Featured Organization: Greater Hudson Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America by Lynn Amos
- Contact Relationships Management Software…Do you have one? Need one? Want one? by Mary F. Foster
- Featured Organization: The Peekskill Museum by Mary F. Foster
- Broaden Your Community Connections by Mary F. Foster
- Featured Organization: HOPE for Youth Foundation by Justin Wingenroth
- The Fund Development Plan in the New Normal by Lucille Geraci Miranda, MPA
- Featured Organization: RideConnect of Westchester by Lynn Amos
- Four Steps to Succession Planning in the Era of COVID by Ivy Fairchild
- Featured Organization: The Peekskill Rotary Club by Tim Warn
- Email Marketing Best Practices for Nonprofits by Lynn Amos
- Featured Organization: Abbott House - Spotlight on Keon Programs of Abbott House by Lucille Geraci-Miranda, MPA
- Five Things You Can Do to Ensure End-of-Year Campaign Success by Ivy Fairchild
- Featured Organization: Support Connection by Justin Wingenroth
- Are You Gearing Up for Your Fall Fundraiser? by Chereese Jervis-Hill
- Featured Organization: New Era Creative Space (NECS) by Mary F. Foster
- "We Served Thousands of People This Year." So What? by Ivy Fairchild
- Featured Organization: Hudson Valley H2O by Mary F. Foster
- 8 Best Practices for Nonprofit Websites by Lynn Amos
- Featured Organization: Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber Foundation Inc. by Lucille Geraci-Miranda, MPA
- Getting Your Board on Board by Lucille Geraci-Miranda, MPA
- Featured Organization: Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley by Lynn Amos
- For the Love of Giving: Building a Culture of Philanthropy by Ivy Fairchild
- Featured Organization: NAACP, Peekskill Branch by Justin Wingenroth and Tim Warn
- Planning Virtual Event Communications by Lynn Amos
- Featured Organization: CHHOP by Lucille Geraci-Miranda, MPA
- Are you considering the Attendee Value when planning your Virtual Event? by Chereese Jervis-Hill
- Featured Organization: The Salvation Army by Tim Warn and Justin Wingenroth
- Building Organizational Infrastructure and Improving Overall Effectiveness in This World of Uncertainty: WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? by Lucille Geraci-Miranda, MPA
- Featured Organization: The Captain Oliver C. Chase Jr. Post 274 by Ivy Fairchild, CFRE, MPH, MA